Saturday, May 23, 2020

Its Always Si Vous Voulez, Never Si Vous Voudriez

Mistakes will always be made in French, and now you can learn from them. In English, I would like is softer and more polite than I want, and French has a similar distinction.  Instead of je veux (present), one says je voudrais  (conditional). But theres a snag in this equation: English speakers want to say the polite  if you like or if you would like, and they often end up translating this into French as si vous voudriez. The Mistake But si vous voudriez  would be a mistake.  In French, you cant say  si vous voudriez  to mean if you would like, because the French  conditional can never be used after  si (if).  You can only say  si vous voulez. This goes for the whole conditional conjugation:  For instance, si je voudrais  is wrong. But you can say  si je veux. And  si tu voudrais is not possible. But you can say  si tu veux. Memorize every person in the conditional  present of vouloir to recognize what to avoid in polite statements that include a si clause: je voudraistu voudraisil voudraitnous voudrionsvous voudriezils voudraient Vouloir and Polite Requests The verb vouloir (to want or to wish), one of the most common French verbs and one of the most useful irregular verbs, also beautifully expresses polite requests  in the conditional without a si clause present.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Je voudrais une pomme.   I would like an apple.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Je voudrais y aller avec vous.   I would like to go with you. In general, the French conditional mood is very similar to the English conditional mood. It describes events that are not guaranteed to occur; often they are dependent on certain conditions. While the French conditional mood has a full set of conjugations, the English equivalent is just the modal verb would plus a main verb. The French conditional is mainly used in  if...then  sentences  to express what would happen if a condition were met. The conditional is in the result (then) part of the clause, not the clause that follows  si  (if).   Ã‚  Si nous à ©tudiions, nous serions plus intelligents.If we studied, (then) we would be smarter.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

White Skin Privilege - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1023 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/02/05 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Racism Essay Did you like this example? Although there is a recent increase in the number of non-white students that attend university in the UK, white students are more likely to attend elite universities and to continue with their postgraduate studies. This stems from the policy-driven restrictions that affect every aspect of a person of colour’s life from the moment they are born. In 2016, white men made up 70 per cent of UK university professors. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "White Skin Privilege" essay for you Create order Eddo-Lodge says this is ‘an indication of what universities think education looks like.’ If a white advantage and white preference is normalised throughout a person of colour’s life – even when they enter higher education – this is going to have a significant impact on how they perform in their adult lives; the qualifications a student receives during their postgraduate study will influence how they are received within the labour market. Therefore, because minority groups are less likely to attend postgraduate studies, they are in turn less likely to succeed as well as white people in the workforce. A decrease in the probability of their success is directly influenced by the existence of white privilege and the way it impacts the dynamic of the workforce. England and Wales have an employment rate of 72.8 per cent; of those people, 74.3 per cent are white, 61 per cent are of black groups, 51 per cent are of Asian groups, and less than half are Pakistani, Bangladeshi or Arab individuals. Unemployment for all minority groups is more than double that of white groups. People of colour are more likely to be unemployed, while white people are represented in the workplace the most out of any race. A study conducted in 2009 job applications to varying workplaces, all with common qualifications. There is evidence that individuals with white British names ‘were called to interview far more often than those with African- or Asian-sounding names.’ If the hiring process was based off of merit, there would be no room for statistics such as these. However, meritocracy has been abandoned because the people in charge do not care if a person of colour is more qualified than a white person. There is an unfair advantage that buries its roots in the structural racism that has permeated the workforce; the people who are in high-paying and high-status jobs use their privilege only to ensure their position remains. If the people in these positions – mostly white, middle-aged, educated men – are always the ones in charge, then they have the power to decide the work atmosphere and transfer their set of ideals. A post-racial society poses an idealistic blueprint for humanity, one free of the bias and hatred that can form from the existence of race. Our current society is not post-racial. Acting as if racism doesnt exist anymore is ignorant and a way to remove people of colour from the conversation; it is a way to avoid talking about racism and continue living in a world powered by white privilege. Race may bring with it the ability to separate us as humans; however, there is importance in its existence as well. Race can be a source of identity and a way people can relate to each other. If we remove race, we are asking someone to abandon their race-identity. It is unfair to ask anyone to forget about what makes them who they are – it isn’t that simple. Therefore, I do not think an entirely post-racial society is possible; we must try to separate what is beneficial about race and pair it with the helpful aspects of post-racial thought. Even then, it may be impossible to eliminate racism entirely, since it is so ingrained within humanity. However, that does not mean that we should stop acknowledging the issues that causes widespread racism to persist. White privilege is the root of modern-day systemic racism; it is an easy way for white people to stay in power. In order to dismantle racist institutions, one must be consistently anti-racist to avoid perpetuating the wrongful advantages of white privilege. Ignoring its existence won’t make racism magically disappear; it is through conversation that humanity will encourage anti-racist ideals. As Eddo-Lodge says, ‘it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you’re doing something.’ Race still impacts the way humanity thinks and acts. Race should not be a deciding factor in anything that may limit the individual. Because reverse-racism does not exist, racism can sometimes be an uncomfortable conversation for white people because they do not directly experience it. The only way society can progress is to have the conversation and acknowledge the impact that racism has on humanity. Speaking about white privilege and its contribution to modern-day racism can be difficult when some white people do not acknowledge their privilege. In order to work towards an anti-racist future, white people must strive to understand their privilege and learn to use it to help minority ethnic groups. White privilege has its effect on many areas of our society, but the way it affects people of colour is through power. The people in power are overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly men; they have the power to decide the future and wellbeing of a person of colour, whether it be their loc ation, their education, or where they work. White privilege directly equates to white power: a world in which white people are at the top because the majority doesn’t acknowledge it as privilege. White privilege is one of the main reasons for the perpetuation of systemic racism; acknowledging and condemning this racism will be one step towards a world more closely related to a post-racial society. If we do not acknowledge racism there will be no possibility for change. A post-racial society may not be the most realistic scenario for humanity; however, this does not mean we can’t use it as a guideline for a society that strives to better understand race and to live with equal opportunities for everyone. Bibliography: Bhopal, Kalwant, White Privilege: The Myth of a Post-Racial Society (Bristol: Policy Press, 2018) Eddo-Lodge, Reni, Why Im No Longer Talking to White People about Race (London: Bloomsbury, 2017) Jargowsky, Paul, The Architecture of Segregation (New York: The Century Foundation, 2015), pp. 1-16

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Definition of Impressment of Sailors

Impressment of sailors was the practice of Britains Royal Navy of sending officers to board American ships, inspect the crew, and seize sailors accused of being deserters from British ships. Incidents of impressment are often cited as one of the causes of the War of 1812. And while it is true that impressment happened on a regular basis in the first decade of the 19th century, the practice was not always viewed as a terribly serious problem. It was widely known that large numbers of British sailors did desert from British warships, often because of the severe discipline and miserable conditions endured by seamen in the Royal Navy. Many of the British deserters found work on American merchant ships. So the British actually had a good case to make when they claimed that American ships harbored their deserters. Such movement of sailors was often taken for granted. However, one particular episode, the Chesapeake and Leopard affair, in which an American ship was boarded and then attacked by a British ship in 1807, created widespread outrage in the United States. The impressment of sailors was definitely one of the causes of the War of 1812. But it also was part of a pattern in which the young American nation felt like it was constantly being treated with contempt by the British. A press gang of the Royal Navy at work. Getty Images   History of Impressment Britains Royal Navy, which constantly needed many recruits to man its ships, long had a practiced of using press gangs to forcibly recruit sailors. The working of the press gangs were notorious: typically a group of sailors would go forth into a town, find drunken men in taverns, and essentially kidnap them and force them to work on British warships. The discipline on the ships was often brutal. Punishment for even minor violations of naval discipline included flogging. The pay in the Royal Navy was meager, and men were often cheated out of it. And in the early years of the 19th century, with Britain engaged in a seemingly endless war against Napoleons France, sailors were told that their enlistments never ended. Faced with those horrendous conditions, there was a great desire for British sailors to desert. When they could find a chance, theyd leave the British warship and find escape by finding a job aboard an American merchant ship, or even a ship in the U.S. Navy. If a British warship came alongside an American ship in the early years of the 19th century, there was a very good chance that British officers, if they boarded the American vessel, would find deserters from the Royal Navy. And the act of impressment, or seizing of those men, was seen as a perfectly normal activity by the British. And most American officers accepted the seizing of these fugitive sailors and did not make a major issue out of it. The Chesapeake and Leopard Affair In the early years of the 19th century the young American government often felt that the British government paid it little or no respect, and really did not take American independence seriously. Indeed, some political figures in Britain assumed, or even hoped, that the United States government would fail. An incident off the coast of Virginia in 1807 created a crisis between the two nations. The British stationed a squadron of warships off the American coast, with the purpose of capturing some French ships which had put into port in Annapolis, Maryland, for repairs. On June 22, 1807, about 15 miles off the Virginia coast, the 50-gun British warship HMS Leopard hailed the USS Chesapeake, a frigate carrying 36 guns. A British lieutenant boarded the Chesapeake, and demanded that the American commander, Captain James Barron, muster his crew so the British could look for deserters. Capt. Barron refused to have his crew inspected. The British officer returned to his ship. The British commander of the Leopard, Captain Salusbury Humphreys, was furious and had his gunners fire three broadsides into the American ship. Three American sailors were killed and 18 were wounded. Caught unprepared by the attack, the American ship surrendered, and the British returned to the Chesapeake, inspected the crew, and seized four sailors. One of them was actually a British deserter, and he was later executed by the British at their naval base at Halifax, Nova Scotia. The other three men were held by the British and finally released five years later. Americans Were Outraged When news of the violent confrontation reached shore and began to appear in newspaper stories, Americans were outraged. A number of politicians urged President Thomas Jefferson to declare war on Britain. Jefferson chose not to enter a war, as he knew that the United States was not in a position to defend itself against the much more powerful Royal Navy. As a way of retaliating against the British, Jefferson came up with the idea of imposing an embargo on British goods. The embargo turned out to be a disaster, and Jefferson faced many problems over it, including New England states threatening to secede from the Union. Impressment As a Cause of the War of 1812 The issue of impressment, by itself, was not cause for war, even after the Leopard and Chesapeake incident. But impressment was one of the reasons given for the war by the War Hawks, who at times shouted the slogan Free Trade and Sailors Rights.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Steve Jobs Led A Revolution - 1544 Words

Steve Jobs led a revolution not only in technology, but in the history of the world, and the determination of the future as well. When Jobs was in his garage with Steve Wozniak about to create the first Apple computer, they had no idea that they would later own one of the biggest and wealthiest companies in the world, and also revolutionize technology and set a precedent for future technology innovators such as themselves. The Apple I, which was Apple s first product, was sold as an assembled circuit board and lacked the basic features that all Apple products have today such as a keyboard, monitor, and case. The Apple I was first introduced to the public at The Homebrew Computer Club. Half of all U.S. households own at least one Apple product, according to CNBC’s All-America Economic survey. Jobs later became known as a â€Å"master of innovation† because of his strong innovations in technology. Without him, the world would be much farther behind than it currently is. W hen the Apple I entered the public market in July of 1976, a new chapter of the world began. The legacy that Jobs left will remain growing and never end. The revolution and empire that Jobs created was incredible. Jobs was kicked from Apple in the early years do to infighting of the company. Steve them founded team Macintosh, while Wozniak was the leader of team Lisa, both in a head to head race of who will create the first computer. While team Lisa made it to the finish line first, sales of the Apple Lisa wereShow MoreRelatedPublic Speaking Outline - Steve Jobs1336 Words   |  6 Pageswatching Netflix. It’s hard to deny the influence and impact that Steve Jobs has had on modern culture. B. Reason to Listen: My name is Eduardo Salazar and like many of you I too can’t live without technology and though my personal devices haven’t always been Apple products. More often than not if the device I was using wasn’t an apple product it was inspired by an apple device. C. Thesis Statement: Today I will be talking about how Steve Jobs revolutionized the way the world uses and incorporates technologyRead MoreEssay on A Comparsion of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs1612 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are intelligent innovative thinkers who have always new things to show and give to the world, and both of them are known as the best-known entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution in the modern age. These two entrepreneurs may both work in the field of technology, but they also have many differences to distinguish themselves from one another. Early Life Bill Gates grew up in a wealthy area in Seattle, Washington, with his parents and two sisters. AsRead MorePersonal Statement : Steve Jobs1587 Words   |  7 Pagescertainly come a long way since then, and Steve Jobs and Apple, the company he founded, have been at the forefront of that evolution. With his leadership and unique perspectives, Steve Jobs has propelled creative and revolutionary technology. Steve Jobs gave us what we never knew we needed through his uncanny leadership, pushing his workers to their extremes. The wondrous devices we use constantly are the result of the sweat, blood, and tears of Apple employees. Jobs expected nothing but perfection fromRead MoreBill Gates and Steve Jobs1158 Words   |  5 PagesVisionaries: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Two men who gave their hearts and souls to developing their visions have driven the personal computer (PC) revolution. However, the way in which either of these men went about this quest has been different. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have changed the way the world does business, but the story of their leadership styles is even more compelling than the success and innovation spawned by Apple and Microsoft. Bill Gates versus Steve Jobs: The Early Years BillRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility and Apples Business Practices1711 Words   |  7 PagesApple I in April 1976. The creators, Steve Job and Steve Wozniak, transformed the entire consumer interactive experience between the user and the computer by being the pioneers in this field. For two decades, Apple Inc ruled the computer manufacturing frontier for two decades. However, it did face low sales and market share in the 1990s. Steve Jobs had left the firm in the 1980s and returned in 1996 as the Chief Executive Officer. He brought about a revolution in the electronics music industry withRead MoreBusiness Overview : Apple Inc1703 Words   |  7 Pages1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and incorporated on January 3, 1977 with the purpose of developing personal, user-friendly computers (Richardson, 2015). While working out of Jobs’ garage, Jobs and Wozniak created their first personal computer the Apple I, consisting solely of the processing tower, and went on to cre ate the Apple II, which incorporated the monitor and keyboard (Richardson, 2015). The development of the Apple II, marked the beginning of the personal computer revolution, where beforeRead MoreCharacteristics of Business Leadership1692 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Characteristics of Business Leadership Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple who helped usher in the era of personal computers and then led a cultural transformation in the way music, movies and mobile communications were experienced in the digital age. Jobs mastered digital technology and capitalized on his intuitive marketing sense. He largely came to define the personal computer industry and an array of digital consumer and entertainment businesses centered on the Internet. Coming onRead MoreCharacteristics of Business Leadership: Steven Jobs, Apple Computer Co.1241 Words   |  5 PagesSteven Jobs was one of the founders of Apple Computer. Apple Computers initial strategy was to target specific sub-segments of the market that the companys management believed could be best served by the company. Apple Computer focused on these sub-segments, addressed the needs of these users, and developed a loyal following for the companys products (Fortune, 2011). The senior executives at Apple Computer, led by Jobs, reinfor ced a customer focus within the company. This customer focus was largelyRead MoreOpen Source Software: Chasing Microsoft Essay1571 Words   |  7 Pagesfeatures and work on the UNIX source code. As a consequence UNIX was imbued with some of its most basic and characteristic principles: Open standards, Community spirit, Network centered.† (A Short History of UNIX, 2005) Thus began the grass roots revolution. It was in 1991that Linus Torvald began creating an operating system kernel, called Linux. He was a 21 year old computer science student at the University of Helsinki Finland who had a dream of converting the teaching version of UNIX called MINIXRead MoreThe Shining Sixties1750 Words   |  7 Pagesyear the 8080 released, Bennett’s team produced the first competition to the 8080, the 6800, inspired by the original 4004. The small size and high flexibility of the new processors allowed for the creation of smaller computing devices. Thus the revolution of personal computing began with the Altair 8800 in 1975: a modular computing device based on the 8080 MPU. Though the computer was cumbersome to use – it was switch board operated, rudimentary, and probably intended for professionals – it allowed

ATT’s use of Total Quality Management Free Essays

The following is an attempt to analyze ATT’s use of Total Quality Management throughout its organization. Since ATT is an elaborately enormous corporation I will focus my study to ATT Power Systems/Lucent Technologies. This division of ATT has been the industry standard for excellence since TQM was first introduced to the company. We will write a custom essay sample on ATT’s use of Total Quality Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now ATT Power Systems has become one the world’s most dynamic companies because of its use of TQM. I will provide a brief description of who ATT Power Systems is, a description of the events that lead up to its use of TQM, ATT’s TQM philosophy, and how this philosophy was implemented. Finally I will discuss the benefits ATT Power Systems realized through their use of Total Quality Management. ATT Power Systems provides a verity of power products for the data processing and telecommunications industries. Power System and its 4,200 employee’s design, develop, manufacture, and market electronic power systems, components, and power supplies to an increasingly international marketplace. In the past ten years ATT as a whole has gone through a dramatic metamorphous. It was forced to change from a large telecommunications monopoly providing universal telephone service, to a competitive global corporation roviding a full range of communication services and technologies. The â€Å"new† ATT is a potpourri of smaller, highly focussed entities. Each entity has its own customers, competitors, and operational functions. Power Systems is the pinnacle of the â€Å"new† ATT. In less than five years Power Systems has become the prototype for successfully implementing the cultural and organizational revolution know as Total Quality Management. It has not only received internal recognition, but external achievement as well. In 1994 Power Systems was the first American company to win Japan’s prestigious Deming Prize for Quality Management. In the ame year ATT’s long distance division won America’s Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. ATT’s TQM philosophy made it the first corporation to win these two awards. Why did Power Systems change to TQM? Prior to 1990 Power Systems provided equipment for only its parent company ATT. Power Systems was a lackluster division of ATT that reported losses in numerous quarters. As the scope ATT and business as a whole changed Power Systems was forced to survive on its own. No longer would losses be tolerated, if the work couldn’t be completed in a cost-effective manner the division would be sold and the work would be given to an A. M. (Andy) Guarriello, Vice President COO of Power Systems, was given the job of implementing TQM. Guarriello along with Power Systems management team launched the â€Å"Dallas Vision† project, an initiative involving physical, organizational, and philosophical changes that soon led to the adoption of Total Quality Management as the management system for the future. Power Systems consolidated several of its locations into several small internal business units. These units would become to foundation that Power Systems operated on. Each units is given the resources to develop, engineer, manufacture, and its products. Functions such as human resources, finance, marketing, and sales are provided by smaller organizations developed to support the internal Power Systems Dallas unit was completely redesigned. This 900,000 square foot facility was rearranged into what ATT calls â€Å"focused factories. Each â€Å"focused factory† has the capability to accept incoming material, manufacture, and ship finished products. This layout was designed much within the guidelines of the Japanese JIT system. Power Systems took the Japanese approach to TQM and modified to fit the ATT culture. The TQM riteria developed within Power Systems were selected to ensure the company’s ongoing focus on high standards for customer orientation, process excellence, employee involvement and continuous improvement. ATT’s TQM philosophy has three main components Quality Policy Deployment, Daily Work Management, and Quality Improvement. These three components combine to ensure robust solutions and continuous improvements. Quality Policy Deployment is the process of aligning the company’s attention and resources on a few high-priority, customer-focused issues. This is done to achieve to realize vast improvements in performance. Daily Work Management is a process of defining, measuring, and managing the day-to-day work of individuals and groups to obtain incremental improvements. This gives individual employees the opportunity to see improvements in measures they understand. Quality Improvement is a team-based problem-solving methodology that uses the seven-step process known as the â€Å"QI story process. † The â€Å"QI story process† is designed to detect and eliminate errors that cause defects. Together these three concepts formed an effective solution to Underlying these three concepts are four principles that are the foundation of ATT’s TQM philosophy. These four are customer satisfaction, management-by-fact, respect for people, and P-D-C-A. P-D-C-A is Plan-Do-Check-Act developed by Shewhart. These four principles helped Power Systems implement its cultural change. Without any one of these TQM will not work, so Power Systems’ management instituted a training regiment that had every employee had at least two full days of training within the first year of implementation. Power Systems has instilled pride in each one of its employees, which perpetuates outside the business to their customers. Each manager, worker, team member, and internal group believe that they can make a ifference in the operation of the company. Each also believes they have the responsibility to produce a quality product efficiently that not only meets their customer’s needs, but also makes profit. This attitude as propelled Power Systems, or as it is now known Lucent Technologies, to the top of its industry. What Benefits did Power Systems see from TQM? Power Systems surpassed the expectations of management to realize colossal growth. Below is a list of improvements from a 1994 ATT press release. These improvements pertain specifically to Power Systems. How to cite ATT’s use of Total Quality Management, Essay examples

Emphasizing Productivity of Mining Industry in Australia -Sample

Question: Discuss about the Emphasizing Productivity of Mining the Largest Industry in Australia. Answer: Mining Industry Australias rich and futile ground for mining different minerals gave rise to number of companies. Copper has its significance deeply rooted in the civilization as the first used metal by Mankind. Australia covers 6% resource of the world copper economy is also the fifth largest copper producer. Mining in Australia generates almost $138 billion per annum thus contributing 6-7% of the GDP. Start Up Overview SAS is a computer vision aerial intelligence platform for Quarry blasting, Mining Civil Engineering operations to improve productivity, reduce cost and safety by providing highly accurate survey data analytics (Gavish et al. 2015). Existing Technology Atop the existing technology Tech Metal is driving mining boom in Australia. Tech metals are used to make different batteries of different kinds to store renewable source of energy and new light engines to replace the conventional combustion engines (O'Faircheallaigh 2013). Issues with the Industry Investment decline: Decline in the share price of the mining industry saw decline in investment. New competitors: Due to huge market new competitor are engulfing the mining industry every day. Innovation biggest drawback: Lack of innovation in the mining industry resulting in primitive way of operation. Augmented and Virtual Reality Computer generated and artificial simulation of environment or situation is termed as Virtual Reality. It gives the user life like experience by simulating hearing and vision, whereas augmented reality put layer of computer generated enhancement on top of the existing reality to make it easily accessible on the go and have meaningful insight. Both augmented and virtual realities are inverse concept and reflection of one another where virtual reality is the recreation of real life setting but augmented reality puts virtual material on top of real world (Fleming and Measham 2015). Problem and Benefits Augmented and virtual realities both have potential to improve productivity, reducing maintenance cost and accident, though mining industry struggling to cope with low commodity price, unskilled workers, ageing workers, protection of worker in risk at remote location. Both AV and VR have the potential to rectify these issues at ease. AR overlays digitalized information atop physical world and VR brings the virtual world in place of the real one. Through AR workers get entitled information about the complex machineries thus real time information can track fault and can be rectified on time to avoid accident. VR on the other hand can give geographical information to help the workers, interact with engineers who can have an overview through workers prospective can assist them with ease (Ong and Nee 2013). Recommendation The Australian market is by far largest venture of startup in mining industry, the market is expanding each year. Innovation and technology is the exponential component of a rising business. Conclusion To conclude mining industry in Australia is at large and blooming in ongoing era integration of new technology and resources have increased productivity as well as demand for the minerals. Innovation and new technology can help improving productivity and mass scaling of the resources, virtual as well as augmented reality will help to increase the safety measure and will improve the overall risk and drawbacks in the cutting edge era of mining. References Fleming, D.A. and Measham, T.G., 2015. Local economic impacts of an unconventional energy boom: the coal seam gas industry in Australia.Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,59(1), pp.78-94. Gavish, N., Gutirrez, T., Webel, S., Rodrguez, J., Peveri, M., Bockholt, U. and Tecchia, F., 2015. Evaluating virtual reality and augmented reality training for industrial maintenance and assembly tasks.Interactive Learning Environments,23(6), pp.778-798. O'Faircheallaigh, C., 2013. Community development agreements in the mining industry: an emerging global phenomenon.Community Development,44(2), pp.222-238. Ong, S.K. and Nee, A.Y.C., 2013.Virtual and augmented reality applications in manufacturing. Springer Science Business Media.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Home is Wherever You Are Essay Example For Students

Home is Wherever You Are Essay When I was 16, in 11th grade, I found myself changing. I was oftentimes angry and upset, and if I wasnt, I was sad. But not a normal sadness- it was a sadness that made me feel empty, and alone, and it made me hate myself, so much that I took that hatred out on myself. I didnt tell many people, but one. He brought happiness to my life and made me forget all of the bad in the world. He was my world, my safety, my peace. Taking those three and a half hour bus rides didnt seem too long to get to him because I knew that the twenty-four hours spent with him, were worth the one hundred and sixteen miles. We did that every weekend for two years. Going off Cape to my hometown for a day and a half was like going to a beach resort, sweet, not having a care in the world. And thats how I felt with my ex-boyfriend Mike. We stayed up all hours until it was dawn and sleep in until the afternoon. We drove around singing in the car to pop songs, looking like absolute fools. We watched horror movies at 4 am with a huge bowl of salty popcorn and I was so afraid that the monster would come eat me so, I squeezed him tightly to me, because thats where I felt safe. He made me laugh, he made me cry, and most importantly, he made me love him unconditionally. I wish I could say that the story ended there, and that we lived happily ever after but thats not how life works, unfortunately. I still remember walking through his garage door and seeing his parents smile at me when they saw me. Whenever we went down to the basement, his mother always brought us her freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, and wow, did they taste like heaven. Even if it was doing absolutely nothing with Mike, I was probably the happiest girl on this earth and being in my hometown every weekend was like a dream to me. Senior year came around the corner, and it was a lot harder. I had Mike by my side, which helped me tremendously but I didnt see him much. So, I pretty much came home every day after school and put all my effort and time through my artwork, music, and writing. I really discovered who I am and what I want to represent in this world, and what I want to do with my future. I took many art classes throughout high school and I loved waking up in the morning and going to them. But sadly, summer 2014 came around quickly and Mike went away to camp in New Hampshire for two months so I didnt see him once. The day he came back from camp, he told me he no longer wanted to see me again because I lived here, and he lived there. It shattered my heart into a million pieces having to say goodbye to the one person who I thought would never hurt me. My main accomplishment this year was that I found that through all the pain I went through with Mike and me drifting apart, along with family issues and school drama, I relied on my creativity and music to get me through it and help me grow. Relationships end, and people change. You can always turn the page of an art book and start fresh but you cant change someone to make them love you from the beginning. So, as you may know, I knew this boy and he became my happiness and my home. But what I learned is that you do not make someone youre everything and happiness because you dont know how long you have them or when it will end. I now know I have to love myself before even thinking of loving someone else. So for now, music, my art, my family and friends are my home and I wouldnt want it to be any differently than it is today. .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 , .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 .postImageUrl , .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 , .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792:hover , .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792:visited , .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792:active { border:0!important; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792:active , .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792 .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u05431d5513d8b4bd60ff4a9314acb792:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: THe Metamorphosis of MAlcolm X EssayBibliography: When I was 16, in 11th grade, I found myself changing. I was oftentimes angry and upset, and if I wasnt, I was sad. But not a normal sadness- it was a sadness that made me feel empty, and alone, and it made me hate myself, so much that I took that hatred out on myself. I didnt tell many people, but one. He brought happiness to my life and made me forget all of the bad in the world. He was my world, my safety, my peace. Taking those three and a half hour bus rides didnt seem too long to get to him because I knew that the twenty-four hours spent with him, were worth the one hundred and sixteen miles. We did that every weekend for two years. Going off Cape to my hometown for a day and a half was like going to a beach resort, sweet, not having a care in the world. And thats how I felt with my ex-boyfriend Mike. We stayed up all hours until it was dawn and sleep in until the afternoon. We drove around singing in the car to pop songs, looking like absolute fools. We watched horror movies at 4 am with a huge bowl of salty popcorn and I was so afraid that the monster would come eat me so, I squeezed him tightly to me, because thats where I felt safe. He made me laugh, he made me cry, and most importantly, he made me love him unconditionally. I wish I could say that the story ended there, and that we lived happily ever after but thats not how life works, unfortunately. I still remember walking through his garage door and seeing his parents smile at me when they saw me. Whenever we went down to the basement, his mother always brought us her freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, and wow, did they taste like heaven. Even if it was doing absolutely nothing with Mike, I was probably the happiest girl on this earth and being in my hometown every weekend was like a dream to me. Senior year came around the corner, and it was a lot harder. I had Mike by my side, which helped me tremendously but I didnt see him much. So, I pretty much came home every day after school and put all my effort and time through my artwork, music, and writing. I really discovered who I am and what I want to represent in this world, and what I want to do with my future. I took many art classes throughout high school and I loved waking up in the morning and going to them. But sadly, summer 2014 came around quickly and Mike went away to camp in New Hampshire for two months so I didnt see him once. The day he came back from camp, he told me he no longer wanted to see me again because I lived here, and he lived there. It shattered my heart into a million pieces having to say goodbye to the one person who I thought would never hurt me. My main accomplishment this year was that I found that through all the pain I went through with Mike and me drifting apart, along with family issues and school drama, I relied on my creativity and music to get me through it and help me grow. Relationships end, and people change. You can always turn the page of an art book and start fresh but you cant change someone to make them love you from the beginning. So, as you may know, I knew this boy and he became my happiness and my home. But what I learned is that you do not make someone youre everything and happiness because you dont know how long you have them or when it will end. I now know I have to love myself before even thinking of loving someone else. So for now, music, my art, my family and friends are my home and I wouldnt want it to be any differently than it is today.